
Government Jobs | Results | Admit Cards interview questions | validation controls

What is role of validation controls in webpage?
Validation controls helps to check Web form data entries before the data is accepted and saved in the Database.

The validation controls check the validity of data entered in associated server controls on the client before the page is posted back to the server.

Most validity problems can be caught and corrected by the user without a round-trip to the server.

What are the different validation controls available in ASP.Net?
RequiredFieldValidator: Verifies whether a control contains data
CompareValidator: Verifies whether an entered item matches an entry in another control
RangeValidator: Verifies whether an entered item is between two values
RegularExpressionValidator: Verifies whether an entered item matches a specified format
CustomValidator: Verifies the validity of an entered item using a client-side script or a server-side code, or both
ValidationSummary: Displays validation errors in a central location or display a general validation error description

Where do the ASP.NET validation controls validate data, on the Client or on the Web Server?
ASP.NET validation controls validate data on the client as well as web server. If we need to validate data on client side itself, we have to set a property to controls to execute at the client side.

Tags: features, interview questions, interview questions and answers, interview questions for freshers, validation controls interview questions, basic interview questions

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