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NPSC Civil Service Selection Process

NPSC Civil Service Selection Process: Nagaland Public Service Commission's (NPSC) Civil Service selection process details are given below....

Selection Procedure: The candidates would be selected based on their performance in Preliminary Examination, Main Examination and Interview/ Viva-voce.

Preliminary Examination: The preliminary examination will consists of one paper of objective type (MCQ with OMR Answer Sheet) carrying a maximum of 200 marks. This Examination is meant to serve as a screening test only; the marks obtained in the preliminary examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the main examination will not be counted for determining their final order of merit. The number of candidates to be admitted to the main examination shall be fixed as per provisions laid down in the recruitment rules.

Main Examination: The candidates who qualify in preliminary examination will called for main examination. Main examination will be descriptive & MCQ type. Main examination will consist of three papers each paper will carry a maximum of 200 marks. The number of candidates to be called for interview / viva-voce shall be fixed by the Commission at their discretion or as per provisions laid down in the Recruitment Rules.

There will be penalty (negative marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the Objective Type Question papers in both the Preliminary and Main Examinations. For each wrong answer given by the candidate, one third (0.33) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.

Interview: The Interview is intended to assess the overall intelligence and the personality of a candidate and also the aptitude and attitude relevant to the services opted for, rather than merely the range of their information and memory.

Click here for NPSC Civil Service Eligibility Criteria Click here for NPSC Civil Service Exam Pattern Click here for NPSC Civil Service Exam Syllabus

Tags: NPSC Results, NPSC Jobs