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APTET Exam Selection Process

APTET Exam Selection Process: Government of Andhra Pradesh, School Education Department conducts Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test. APTET Exam Selection Process are given below....

  • AP TET Exam: This is the first step. You need to pass the relevant APTET paper (Paper-1A/B for Classes I-V or Paper-2A/B for Classes VI-VIII) based on your desired teaching level and specialization (regular or special education).

  • Teacher Recruitment Test (TRT): After qualifying in APTET, you might need to appear for a separate TRT conducted by the state government. A 20% Weightage to TET scores shall be provided in the Teacher Recruitment of the State Government, balance 80% weightage will be given for Written Test in Teacher Recruitment Test (TRT) based on which selection lists shall be prepared. However, qualifying in the TET only would not confer a right on any person for recruitment/ employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for Teacher appointment.

Click here for APTET Eligibility Details

Click here for APTET Syllabus

Click here for APTET Eligibility

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