SSC has announced combined graduate level exam (cgl) tier 2 results on 4th septmeber.
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ssc cgl tier 2 result 2010 | ssc combined graduate level exam tier 2 results 2010 | staff selection commission result 2010
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Staff Selection Commission ( SSC ) advertised notification to recruit various jobs like Inspector (Income tax/Cental Exicse/Preventive/Customs/Posts), Assistants, Assistant Enforcement Officers, Divisional Accountants, Statistical Investigators, Auditors, Accountants, Junior Accountants, Compilers, Upper Division Clerk (UDC), Tax Assistants in Central Governement Departments and its Organisations through Combined Graduate Level ( CGL ) Tier 1 and Tier 2 exam on 30/01/2010. The closing date to apply online was on 02/03/2010. In the online apply a total of 7,46,028 candidates registerd their names for this examination. But only 5,39,277 candidates appeared for tier 1 examination which was conducted on 16/05/2010.
The results of written examination of Tier 1 was declared on 18/06/2010. As per result declared by Staff Selection Commission ( SSC ) 54,797 candidates were qualified for Tier 2 Examination. Out of this 54,797 candidates 23,260 candidates are eligible for Statistical Investigator/Compiler Jobs. However, they will be required to take the subject corresponding to their subject of study in paper III of Combined Graduate Level ( CGL ) Tier 2 Examination . Out of this 54,797 only 26,642 candidates opted for SI in CPOs.
As the candidates opting for CPOs are subjected to Physical Eligibility Test (PET) and Medical Test, the Staff Selection Commission has decided to release additional list of 23791 candidates (Male-23241 and Female-550) for CPOs fixing a lower cut-off. By this additional list total candidates eligible for SI in CPOs reached to 50,433.
As per above data the paperwise qualified candidates to each paper to appear Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Tier 2 Examinatin
Paper-I : 54,797
Paper-II : 78,588 (54,797+23791 additional candidates for SI in CPO)
Paper-III : 23,260 (However, they will be required to take the subject
corresponding to their subject of study)
As per above data the qulified candidates to differnet posts to appear staff selection commission combined graduate level ( cgl ) examination Tier 2 is as follows.
SI in CPOs : 78,588
Statistical Investigators,Compilers : 23,260
For all other posts : 54,797
The Staff Selection Commission ( SSC ) Combined Graduate Level ( CGL ) Examinaton is one of the most popular exams in India. Therefore Lakhs of people are attracted towards ths examination.
The Staff Selection Commission ( SSC ) conducts Combined Graduate Level ( CGL ) Examination to recruit aspirants for various central government departments and organisations. In this process staff selection commission (ssc) follows two stage examination process.First one is Combined Graduate Level ( CGL) Examination Tier 1, Second Stage is Combined Graduate Level ( CGL ) Examination Tier 2.