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HTET Eligibility Criteria

HTET Eligibility Criteria: Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET) Eligibility Details are given below....

Eligibility Conditions:

Minimum Educational Qualifications:

I. Level-I - For becoming Teacher for Classes I-V : Primary Teacher (PRT): 1. Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and Passed or appearing in final year of 2- year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009. OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks and Passed or appearing in final year of 2- year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure), Regulations, 2002. OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed Or appearing in final year of 4- year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B. El. Ed). OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed Or appearing in final year of 2- year Diploma in Education (Special Education). OR Graduation and passed or appearing in final year of two year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known).

2. Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or Sr. Secondary/ Graduation/ Post Graduation with Hindi as one of the subjects.

II. Level-2 - For becoming Teacher for Classes VI-VIII: Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) 1) TGT Social Studies: 

i) B.A./B.Com and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.A. /B.Com with at least 50% marks and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.); in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009. OR B.A. /B.Com with at least 45% marks and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.); OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year BA/B.Com Ed.; OR B.A./B.Com at least 50% marks and 2-year B.Ed. (Special Education) AND ii) In case of B.A. /B.Com, in addition to English, a combination of at least two subjects with at least 50% marks in aggregate individually in the subjects during all the years of study out of the following:- (1) History (2) Political Science (3) Economics (4) Geography (5) Sociology (6) Psychology. iii) In case of B.Ed., Social Studies as a teaching subject from a recognized university. iv) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or Sr. Secondary/ Graduation/ Post Graduation with Hindi as one of the Subjects.

2) TGT Science

i) B.Sc. and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.Sc. with at least 45% marks and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.); OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year B.Sc. Ed.; OR B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education); AND ii) In case of B.Sc., a combination of at least three subjects out of the following:- (1) Physics (2) Chemistry (3) Botany (4) Zoology (5) Mathematics.

Note: In the case of Hons. Degree, in any of the above mentioned subjects, the candidate must have studied other two subjects in the first and second year of course. iii) In case of B.Ed., Science as a teaching subject from a recognized university; iv) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2/ B.A/ M.A with Hindi as one of the subject.

3. TGT Mathematics:  (i) B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com with at least 50% marks in Mathematics as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com with at least 50% marks as well as in Mathematics as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A/ B.Sc./ B.Com with at least 45% marks as well as 50% marks in Mathematics as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year BA/B.Sc/B.Com Ed. or BA Ed./B.Sc. Ed./B.Com. Ed. in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com with at least 50% marks as well as in Mathematics as an elective subject and 2-year B.Ed. in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009. (Special Education); AND (ii) In case of B.Ed., Mathematics as a teaching subject from a recognized university; (iii) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2/ B.A/ M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject.

4. TGT English (i) B.A with at least 50% marks in English as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A with at least 50% marks as well as in English as an elective subject and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed. in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.); OR B.A with at least 45% marks as well as 50% marks in English as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year BA Ed. in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in English as an elective subject and 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education); (ii) In case of B.Ed, English as a teaching subject from a recognized university; (iii) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2/ B.A/ M.A with Hindi as one of the subject.

5. TGT Hindi

(i) B.A. with at least 50% marks in Hindi as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR

B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Hindi as an elective subject and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR

B.A. with at least 45% marks as well as 50% marks in Hindi as an elective subject and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year BA Ed.; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Hindi as an elective subject and 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; AND (ii) In case of B.Ed., Hindi as a teaching subject from a recognized university; (iii) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject.

6. TGT Sanskrit

(i) B.A. with at least 50% marks in Sanskrit as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Sanskrit as an elective subject and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) egulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A. with at least 45% marks as well as 50% marks in Sanskrit as an elective subject and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.); OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year BA Ed.; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Sanskrit as an elective subject and 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; (ii) In case of B.Ed., Sanskrit as a teaching subject from a Recognized university; (iii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject.

7. TGT Punjabi

(i) B.A. with at least 50% marks in Punjabi as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Punjabi as an elective subject and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A. with at least 45% marks as well as 50% marks in Punjabi as an elective subject and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 yearBA Ed.; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Punjabi as an elective subject and 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; AND (ii) In case of B.Ed., Punjabi as teaching subject from a recognized university; (iii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject.

8. TGT Urdu (i) B.A. with at least 50% marks in Urdu as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Urdu as an elective subject and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A. with at least 45% marks as well as 50% marks in Urdu as an elective subject and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year BA Ed. in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks as well as in Urdu as an elective subject and 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education); AND (ii) In case of B.Ed., Urdu as a teaching subject from a recognized university; (iii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject.

9. TGT Physical Education (i) Graduation with Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) or Diploma in Physical Education (D.P.Ed) or its equivalent from a recognized University; (ii) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2/ B.A/ M.A with Hindi as one of the subject;

10. TGT Home Science (i) B.Sc. Home Science and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.Sc. Home Science with at least 50% marks and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009. in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.Sc. Home Science with at least 45% marks and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year BA/B.Sc. Ed.; OR B.Sc. Home Science with at least 50% marks and 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR (ii) In case of B.A., at least 50% marks in Home Science as one of the elective subject; (iii) In case of B.Ed., Home Science as a teaching subject from a recognized university; (iv) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2/ B.A/ M.A with Hindi as one of the subject.

11) TGT Art (i) B.F.A./B.A. and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.F.A./B.A. with at least 50% marks and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.F.A./B.A. with at least 45% marks and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year BA Ed. in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.F.A./B.A. with at least 50% marks and 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education); AND (ii) In case of B.A. Arts, at least 50% marks in Fine Art as an Elective subject,

(iii) In case of B.Ed., Fine Art as a teaching subject from a recognized University. (iv) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject.

12) TGT Music

(i) B.A. and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; OR B.A. with at least 45% marks and 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 published on 31 August, 2009.; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year BA Ed.; OR B.A. with at least 50% marks and 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education); AND (ii) In case of B.A Music (instrumental/ vocal), at least 50% marks in Music as an Elective subject in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 31 August, 2009.; (iii) In case of B.Ed., Music as a teaching subject from a recognized university; (iv) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/ B.A/ M.A with Hindi as one of the subject.

III. Level-3: Post Graduate Teacher (PGT):

(i) English, (ii) Hindi, (iii) Geography, (iv) Home Science, (v) Sociology,  (vi) Psychology, (Vii) Punjabi, (Viii) Urdu, (ix) History;

(i) Post Graduate Degree in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks from a recognized university and B.Ed. from recognized university; (ii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or Sr. Secondary / Graduation / Post Graduation with Hindi as one of the Subjects.. (iii) Consistent good academic record

(x) Political Science (i) M.A Political Science or M.A Public Administration with atleast 50% marks from a recognized university and B.Ed from a recognized university. (ii) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2 / B.A / M.A with Hindi as one of the subject; AND (iii) Consistent good academic record.

(xi) PGT Sanskrit (i) M.A. Sanskrit/Acharya with atleast 50% marks and B.Ed/ Shiksha Shastri/ Language Teachers Course (L.T.C)/ Oriental Training (O.T.) in Sanskrit from a recognized university or conducted by the Haryana School Education Department or an equivalent qualification recognized by Haryana Education Department; (ii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject; & Consistent good academic record.

(xii) PGT Biology (i) M.Sc. Zoology/ Botany/ Bio-Sciences/ Bio-Chemistry/ Genetics/ Micro Biology/ Plant Physiology/ Bio-technology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Bio/ Clinical Bio-Chemistry/ Agricultural Bio-Technology/ Bio-Informatics/ Medical Bio-Technology/ Environmental Sciences/ Environmental Bio-Technology/ Food Technology/ Forensic Sciences/ Microbial Bio- Technology/ Genomics with atleast 50% marks from a recognized university and B.Ed. from recognized university; (ii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or Sr. Secondary/ Graduation/ Post Graduation with Hindi as one of the Subjects. (iii) Consistent good academic record.

(xiii) PGT Physics (i) M.Sc. Physics/ Applied Physics/ Nuclear Physics/ Electronics Physics with atleast 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university; (ii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or Sr. Secondary/ Graduation/ Post Graduation with Hindi as one of the Subjects. (iii) Consistent good academic record.

(xiv) PGT Chemistry (i) M.Sc. Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry with atleast 50% marks from a recognized university and B.Ed. from recognized university; (ii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or Sr. Secondary/ Graduation/ Post Graduation with Hindi as one of the Subjects. (iii) Consistent good academic record.

(xv) PGT Mathematics (i) M.A./M.Sc. Math/Applied Mathematics with Mathematics as one of the subject at Graduation level with atleast 50% marks from a recognized university and B.Ed. from recognized university; (ii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or Sr. Secondary/ Graduation/ Post Graduation with Hindi as one of the Subjects. (iii) Consistent good academic record.

(xvi) PGT Commerce (i) M.Com. with accounting/ Cost accounting/ financial accounting as a major subject of study with atleast 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university. Holders of degree of M.Com. in applied/Business Economics shall not be eligible; (ii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or Sr. Secondary/ Graduation/ Post Graduation with Hindi as one of the subjects. (iii) Consistent good academic record.

(xvii) PGT Economics (i) M.A. Economics/Applied Economics/Business Economics with atleast 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university; (ii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or Sr. Secondary/ Graduation/ Post Graduation with Hindi as one of the Subjects. (iii) Consistent good academic record.

(xviii) PGT Music (i) M.A. Music with at least 50% marks and B.Ed from recognized university; (ii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/ B.A./ M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject. (iii) Consistent good academic record.

(xix) PGT Fine Arts (i) M.A. Fine Arts with at least 50% marks and B.Ed from recognized university; (ii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/ B.A./ M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject. (iii) Consistent good academic record.

(xx) PGT Computer Science (i) M.Sc. Computer Science (Regular two year course)/ MCA (Regular three year course)/ BE/ B.Tech. Computer Science/ Computer Engg/ IT (Regular course) with 55% aggregate marks from a recognized university; (ii) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2/ B.A/ M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject. (iii) Consistent good academic record.

(xxi) PGT Physical Education (i) M.A. Physical Education or M.P.Ed. with atleast 50% marks, and Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) or Diploma in Physical Education (D.P.Ed.) or its equivalent from a recognized University. (ii) Matric with Hindi / Sanskrit or 10+2/ B.A./ M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject. (iii) Consistent good academic record.

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